Friday, March 23, 2012


My mom had the idea to take Kyle to Thanksgiving Point to see the baby animals. We had taken them there last year but he was really little then...he definitely got more into it this year! There weren't too many babies yet (apparently the sheep are due this week)..but Kyle had a fabulous time. He made friends with a lil goat. This goat was so nice. He just stood there and let Kyle pet him...all the other goats tried to bite when Kyle reached out. This one was very sweet, and made Kyle's day. He also enjoyed the chicks, pony ride, and being able to run around outside, but nothing made him grin and giggle quite like that bff goat friend. Then we hit up McDonald's on the way home to use my free kid's meal coupon. The little guy crashed the second we got home, he was so worn out. What a spoiled little man. We will definitely be going back soon!

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