Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Done and done.

The long awaited surgery finally happened! It went great and the recovery has been pretty simple. Counting down until I am allowed to lift Kyle and get my sweat on again. Seriously missing "normal" life...whatever that is.

I have had quite a few surgeries in my life, and my dad has been by my side every single one, except this one. Ryan took his place! I will admit, it felt a little weird having to fill Ryan in on our surgery traditions, but he caught on quick and I wouldn't have wanted to wake up to anyone else (no offense dad). Well through all those other surgeries my dad has always been a fan of the hat they make me wear before I go in...he texted me how much he regrets never getting a picture of it. So I decided to take the camera along for my dad. Ryan insisted on documenting a few other things too, which rarely happens. So yes. We took pictures. Luckily we spared you all the post op pics, because things weren't pretty. Besides the nurses keeping me for ten years in recovery against my will, everything went text book perfect.
 Ryan made me pose on our way in...
 This one is for you Dad
 Kissing the lucky leprechaun from my mom
My favorite person.

So glad to have this little episode behind us. Thanks for all the help we have received these last few weeks, it has made all the difference.

1 comment:

  1. you look fabulous even in pre-op. i'm so happy it's over and done with and can't wait for you to feel alll better!
