Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A Very Lundgreen Christmas

This year we did Christmas our way, with very little visiting or traveling. We love family, but we also love our own little family, and we rarely spend time at home just the three of us. Kyle also ended up being sick, so this plan really worked out. We did spend a meal over at my parents, but since they live next door ish, it was easy. We didn't get to carry out all our plans because of the sickey, but we had a great time, and we were grateful Kyle had a few feeling good hours on Christmas day before his big decline. I will tell the rest in pictures.
 Sick boy watching some Tim Tebow with dad on Christmas Eve
 Eve present opening
 Liking what he found..
 Our family on the Eve
 Oh Christmas Tree
 Discovering the full stockings
 The men
 The fam
 My baby

Merry Christmas to all!

1 comment:

  1. that sounds like a truly magical day. we tried to spend as much time as possible as just our little family this year too. i love, love my big family get togethers but there's just something about hanging out just the 3 of us in our cozy little place that's just wonderful. love you guys, glad you had a merry christmas!
