Friday, December 2, 2011


Sometimes I feel like I am 23 going on 40...or older. Don't get me wrong, I love my life. But ya know...a large portion of people my age are still living party to party going crazy...and I am in bed by 10 with a husband and a baby. Sometimes I just need to be a little crazy as a law abiding, religious person like myself gets. So that is why occasionally Ryan and I stay up til 3am, or have random loud dance parties (love not living in an apartment complex anymore), and ladies take me out.

I have the best friends. I know everybody probably says that, but I really do. I don't know why I was lucky enough to find these ladies but years later, we are still going strong. They love me, I love them. They are the kind of friends I know will always be there. No matter what, or how life changes...they are still the ones. When I am feeling blah, or 50 years old...a night out with them is the perfect cure. Add a little Justin Timberlake and some Winger's sticky fingers? I feel like myself in no time at all.

These lovely ladies took me out for my birthday last night and I loved it. Ambs even braved the windstorm and drove from Logan! They keep me in check. They make me laugh. They make me happy. They just get me. Always. I really feel lucky and grateful to have such a loving, supportive, and FUN group of people to call my bff's. Thanks ladies! Let the birthday celebrations begin!