Wednesday, December 7, 2011

All about me

You may remember my half birthday celebrations...well I love my real birthday  even more. I know, you are probably thinking who is this selfish girl who lives for her own personal holiday? Well...guilty. What isn't to love about presents and a day to dedicate to all your favorite things? I mean really. I love to much so that I occasionally make up holidays just to have an excuse to party. So a celebration filled with everything I love? Sign me up. And don't worry- I care about others birthdays too. Everyone deserves a special day.

This year did not disappoint. Last year was great, especially cause my sister was in town. But being OVER 40 weeks pregnant discounted the fun a little. So this year was super nice. The whole week was awesome. Ryan made my favorite meals, and did something special every day. My favorite day might have been when he brought Andes mints home. To say I love those would be an understatement. Yum. Anyways, he is a good man. Duh.

My birthday being on a Sunday is always a little saddening, but we partied the whole weekend! Magical. Friday night we went to Festival of Trees and then downtown to see the lights. It was sort of a long night for a little man who is usually in bed by 6:30...but we had a good time regardless. And the little love birds cam along! Always a treat!

It was frigid but beautiful. Kyle actually liked the lights even though he was bundled to the point of immobility. 

Then there was Saturday. Kyle went to play with his grandma (basically his favorite thing in the world to do) and we had the most magical date. My favorite part might have been the running errands part. We went thrifting and I found everything I wanted for my DIY list. Magical. Then we just roamed stores, the mall...anywhere. I took as long as I wanted. Loved it. 

Then we headed to get some seafood! YUM. Crab and shrimp dip on hard bread, crab legs, coconut shrimp and more. Dreamy. Bring on the shellfish baby.

We ended the evening with a little comedy. Comedy Sportz never disappoints.We had so much fun. The best part was just hanging out with Ryan. Alone. These times are rare...and I treasure them. Sunday was the actual birthday and was also great. My family had a little bash complete with all my favorite foods, and I got a lot of crafting time. It also SNOWED and was cloudy most of the day. Dream come true.

While I was 23 I managed to give birth and run a marathon. How should I top that? Bring it on 24!!


  1. Happy birthday! Sounds like you had a great day! PS-Love coconut shrimp-forever and always!

  2. umm you are adorable, as always. so glad you had a great bday week! loove you!
