Thursday, July 28, 2011

A final recap

Ok I think this is the last of this marathon posting session. The beginning of the update posts starts here if you want to go in order. It has taken forever and I know it feels a bit overkill? I considered just doing the highlights all in one post, but as I mentioned, this is the main way I journal and its important to me. I couldn't really care less if anyone else reads any of it. I just LOVE having it to look back at. Anyways. I think I covered most of the bigger events, so now I just wanted to toss in all the extras. What else happened in the last few weeks?
Kyle and Michelle bonded quickly.

 Kyle loooved all the attention from cousins
 Myzie got her ears pierced! 
 Kyle graduated from this perfect yoga plank into actually crawling(his own variation for now) across the room!
 We ran through sprinklers in my parents amazing front yard
 We did LOTS of hair. Including COLORING Michelle's hair! Something she had never done before (excluding a few red highlights almost 10 years ago).
 We saw many rainbows. Both actual and metaphorical. Cracking myself up.
 Wii danced!
 We discovered Kyle likes paper above any other toy or form of entertainment.
 We spent lots of time on the swing.
We played croquet. I believe Ryan isn't in this pic because he was winning by so much.
 We said goodbye again. But it was much better this time, knowing we can easily call and text, we will be living the same day at the same time, and that seeing each other doesn't require a passport and a few thousand dollars. Rather than dwell on how hard it is to say goodbye, I try to be thankful that the only reason it is so hard is because I am blessed with such an amazingly close relationship with such an amazing sister. In case there was any question, I plan to head to Texas asap. We love you Browns! Thanks for such a great time!

1 comment:

  1. loved all the updates! and seriously i am sooo happy you got to spend so much time with them, it was much needed and well deserved! glad i got to see them too!
