Monday, February 21, 2011


When I was little I had a cactus. I LOVED it. It passed away in the Missouri to Utah move. I then had to live cacti free for a few years, it was rough. Then one wonderful Christmas, my sister once again brought cacti into my life. Sadly I don't have a picture of my originals. But the point is, it was a three pack of MINI cacti from Ikea, you might know the type I mean.

Well then I graduated from high school and moved into an essentially sunless dorm room. Alas, the cacti could not come with me.  But I spent my summers with them when I went home and they thrived in my mothers wonderful care. Then I got married. I was SO excited at the thought I would get to take my cacti with me to live. I painted new pots and got them all ready for the big day. Turns out we moved into an essentially sunless apartment. So they remained with my mom. Well, THREE moves later we have WINDOWS! Tons of sun pours in every day. So when I went to fetch my cacti, I realized they had grown SO MUCH! They were in bad need of new pots. This would be the third time they required a bigger home. And so we got some new pots and moved them in.

I love the new pots and I think they love their new home. A big thanks to Michelle and Chris for the brilliant gift years ago, and also to my mom who acted as the caregiver for many years thus making this beautiful reunion possible. I wish these pictures showed how huge they have gotten. They all started no taller and 2 inches or so, now the tallest one is about a FOOT tall. Pictures cant do justice, so you should probably come visit our cacti friends in person. They are fantastic, and very happy to be home. 

1 comment:

  1. i love your cacti and those new pots look fantastic! way to go. i cant wait to see them in person. i cant wait to have sun in our home again one day so i can try the plant thing again. :)
