Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Fun in the February Sun

Did anyone go outside Saturday? Or yesterday? Holy smokes it is soooo nice outside! Yes, snow is coming again this evening but celebrate what ya get right? Well Saturday was fabulous. Ryan and I not only got to attend Utah getting Jimmered, we drove to the game with the sun roof open! It was so nice to feel some sun! We also went to Outback with some gift cards we had been saving. What does this mean? Rack of lamb. Sorry vegetarians, I love my meat. It was a delicious day. And yesterday? Yesterday Kyle and I went for a walk...OUTSIDE! I know it won't last, but what a nice preview of spring.
  Kyle feeling festive on Vday
 celebrating the sun roof


  1. What a lovely weekend! I love the festive outfit, very cute!

  2. Everything about this post makes me smile. Your cute baby. Awesome weather. And meat. I love meat too. One more reason why we are awesome buddies.

  3. how fun that you guys got to go to the game! you look fabulous in those photos. ugh please bring the weather back. remember the tundra last night? bleh, no thanks.
