Tuesday, February 8, 2011

the aardvark of my life

Today I got glasses. Only for reading, but the fact remains I am now a glasses wearer. Why does this excite me? Well aside from the decrease in headaches and being able to read for longer periods of time, it means I am more like someone I admire. Yes...I have been known to set my alarm on Sunday mornings to make sure I get up in time for Arthur. And yes, if you looked at the instant queue on our netflix account you would notice several seasons of the fabulous show listed and often listed as the most recently watched. What can I say? He has had my heart for years, I love his books and show, and today, I became a little more like him.

1 comment:

  1. Just get a yellow sweater, some blue jeans, and wildlife friends and you're set! Can't believe I am hearing about this on your blog! We have to talk soon!
