Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Kyle and I have a little tradition before he has to get shots. We go get a donut together, because I think the poor little man deserves a wonderful morning before the pain in the leg. This morning Ryan decided he had some time to join us real fast before work. 

We chose the Creamery on 9th. This place is a definite perk of a few more years of BYU life. The rest of the day is jam packed with busy things, but this morning was a wonderful start to the day. It feels like summer. Oh summer. Sweet, sweet summer.
*Little man rocked his shots today. He was smiling again before be even left the office. Rockstar.

1 comment:

  1. Being treated to chocolate milk and donuts is almost worth getting a shot in the leg(and being sore the next day). I'm glad your little guy is so tough.
