Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Last Weekend

This weekend was a good one. Packed full of stuff to do, and people to see. Friday we grilled for the first time this season...yum. Then Saturday we did things like fly kites, hunt for eggs, attend Zorro the musical, and watch conference. Sunday? Delicious breakfast and a relaxing day of uplifting words. Fab.U.Lous. Picture highlights.
 find me some eggs!

 I struggled to keep the kite up...
 watching the kites.
 these boys...my favorite

 busting open his eggs to find the goods. I was shocked at how independently well he did on this egg hunt...hunted, found, and opened all on his own.
 hot date at Hale Center Theater SLC
yummmy conference breakfast

Such a great weekend! It has hard to see it end...luckily another one is only a few days away.

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