Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter and Roommates

This weekend was great. Not only was it a holiday, which always means fun, but Jeff and Katie moved into our basement for the summer! We are so happy to have them.

Saturday morning I was so excited to be able to attend the Taylor Family Easter Brunch. My family has done it for a few years now, but in the past I have worked on Saturdays and so I could never go. We had a great time being able to go this year! The food was amazing. On site crepe chef anyone? Yum. Then Kyle got to participate in an egg hunt and story time...he loved it all, though busting open his eggs and devouring the chocolate seemed to top his list. Wonder where he gets that from? Anyways it was really fun AND delicious.

The face when he discovered chocolate.

Later on that day I worked a little, and Ryan played some tennis because it was just a beautiful day. Then we all decided to go redeem our pass of all passes and thought we might as well play some mini golf while we were at it. Jeff won, but let's not forget who got the most holes in one. That would be me. Thank you very much.
 That is totally the real Washington Monument
What Jeff? Trying to ruin our picture? Well I think you just made it better. Also...Ryan and I are twins in our striped v-necks. Awkward:)

We ended Saturday with some egg dying. The tie dye ones worked well...the metallic ones struggled a bit.

And now onto Easter Sunday! It was a beautiful day. Love this spring weather. We had stake conference, which was SO good. Thanks to Ryan chasing Kyle I was able to really sit and listen. I loved it. Then we made an insane cookie/brownie/oreo/hot fudge dessert (thank you pinterest) and headed to Ryan's parents house for dinner.  Kyle even let me do a before church photo session in our yard. I love nothing more than a little man in his Sunday best.

If I had the ability I woulda photo shopped me outta there. 

It was such a fun weekend. We have loved having some built in friends to have fun with, and Kyle is in heaven with the extra attention and lovin' from his aunt and uncle. Summer fun is just about here. I can feel it, and I am oh so excited.

1 comment:

  1. that face with his chocolate is priceless. soo cute. loved all the pics!
