Thursday, May 26, 2011

Telling some stories

So aside from being my adorable mother, my mom has held many titles. Child development specialist, kindergarten teacher, preschool teacher, potty training boot camp drill sergeant, story teller and puppeteer are just a few. Seriously, give my mom five minutes and she will be your kid's new favorite person. I guarantee it. She is like the child whisperer. Blows my mind, and no, I am NOTHING like her in this aspect. Kids are cool and all...but put me in a preschool room full of them for three hours and I would rather die. Anyways, today she had a puppet gig at Learning Dynamics Preschool (if we live in Utah when K is three he is SO going there), where she used to teach. Kyle and I decided to tag along to watch her do what she does best, and boy did she deliver! There were a million 3-4 year olds....and they LOVED every second. One little boy even shouted after the end..."too short!!". Hilarious. We had a lot of fun and Kyle enjoyed his backstage pass to play with some puppets before the show began.
K with grandma and great grandma before the show

Lovin the puppets

the flamingo pre show

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