Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Showered with love

So this is obviously very late... but I had two fabulous baby showers in November! Even though it is way overdue I couldn't let them go undocumented. The first one was a family shower hosted by my mom and my aunt. It was a lot of fun because it was combined with my bff cousin Kenna, who was due three weeks after me. Ken and I have been close for years so it has been fun to go through everything at the same time. Kenna and I weren't feeling especially photogenic.. after about 50 tries we gave up on getting one we both liked so there aren't many pics.
The next shower was the very next week and was hosted by my fabulous friends. Not many people can say they are still so close with high school friends after 5 years but when ya find friends this great ya just don't give them up! Everything was super cute and even decorated in the same prints as my nursery decor. When it comes to throwing a party, my friends know whats up. (shout out to nicole too who I know did a lot of the decor, thank you!)
And just for kicks and for those who missed it, here is one last pregnant pic of me pretty much full term. Might as well document to remind myself of how it was:) The first one Michelle took of me dancing is the day I went into labor and the other one is the day of one of my showers. And that my friends, ends all posts on my pregnancy. Now we can all move on!


  1. :) i love this because i haven't really actually seen any of your belly photos. you look great! as always.
