Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Must See and Lucky Me

Have you read these books? You must. Have you seen the movie? You must.

Last weekend we were visiting my parents and decided to rent a movie. I chose Ramona and Beezus much to everyone else's dismay. But I had wanted to see it forever and let me tell you it did not disappoint. You see it was a magical movie. I laughed, I cried, and I missed my sister very much.

My whole life I have had one constant thing going for me: an amazing older sister. As long as I can remember she has been my hero. When I was little she read to me every night, played with me a ton, took me many places with her, allowed me to follow her around and hang around her friends, and spent many many weekends and nights babysitting me rather than doing more exciting things. She put up with me in times I know most siblings wouldn't dream of having their little sister tag along. The 7 year gap between us has never seemed that big at all. She has always been my biggest fan, cheering me on through everything. She has always had a huge concern for my well being and always took great care of me.

Aside from the fact she read all the Ramona books to me, this movie made me think of her for so many reasons. I was little and frequently annoying but she always loved me. She did my hair for me when I needed to look nice, she protected me from the stresses in home and in the world, and when we both got our own rooms I still spent much more time in hers. I could go on and on like this but I suppose I should stop. I just loved the movie and I consider myself so lucky to have a sister that has saved my life so many time. When was the last time? Yesterday. 4:00pm. Much needed phone call. Saved me. So a big thank you to Michelle, when I grow up I hope I can be just like her.


  1. :) i just love this. that movie is soo magical to me. and i too adore the books. and i'm so glad you have michelle and that you got to be with her recently! makes me sooo happy.

  2. Love the movie. Love the books. Glad you and your sister share a bond over this like my sister and me.

  3. Wow. thanks a lot J. You've always been too nice to me. And there's some irony here, in my stumbling upon this post when I was quite in need of a pick-me-up. Thanks. love you.

  4. also forgot to say that I still haven't seen this movie. The girls and I are currently reading Ramona the Pest. Good stuff.
