Saturday, September 8, 2012

Kyle goes to a football game.

 We took him to the game today! It was SO hot, and Weber State made a sort of boring opponent (no offense at all)...but there were some high points! From Kyle's perspective..they go in this order.

  1. Cosmo sighting. Every time he entered the field Kyle got SO excited. 
  2. Sno Cone. That boy seriously knows his way around a sno cone.
  3. The fight song.
  4. Playing with Emery and Jane
  5. Getting to go home.
Like I said, there were high points. He even had fun for a lot of it. He did great. But he was so tired and hot by the end, he was glad to lay down and cool off when we got home. I guess he needs a few more years before he actually catches the Cougar Spirit. The rest of the games are pretty late at night, so he might spend the rest of the season in bed....goooooooooooooooooo cougars!

P.S.- we tried Cubby's before the game. So. Yum.

OH! And speaking of Cosmo? Check out vintage cosmo from nineteen seventy something. And yes, my mom is the hot little Cougarette on the left.


  1. We were there too. It was a hot day. Our boys enjoyed it any way and did really well. I was the one that was uncomfortable.

  2. That picture of your mom - oh my! I love it! Are those furry cosmo legs sticking out or furry man legs? Just askin...
