Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Oh what do we do in the summer time?

We go camping, swimming, and celebrate our anniversary and Father's Day, among other things of course. I was considering breaking these events into separate posts, but why not put them all together? We had a JAM PACKED weekend. Jam packed with awesome things really.

It all started Friday when we decided we would go camping. After a few road blocks like our tent going MIA...we packed up our tiny car and headed for the mountains. We went to Tinney Flat campground up Santaquin canyon. What a hidden gem! It was SO beautiful up there I couldn't even believe it. We got a fabulous spot and had so much fun. We have been camping many times but never on our own. We most often join Ryan's parents, who camp in a different world than what I grew up doing. They have a trailer nicer than most of the places Ryan and I have lived complete with beds, bathroom, kitchen and satellite. While this is a fun way to camp, especially for extended periods of time, I thought it was time to show Ryan the Taylor way. Now don't get me wrong, Ryan is fully aware of how to "rough it" but I grew up camping A LOT and have many traditions that go along with it. So I couldn't wait to share a few. And what better way to celebrate our third anniversary? Of course, I took 5 million pictures. So enjoy!
 Kyle was quite snug packed in the back with all our stuff. Good thing we only have one kid!
 Watching us set up camp
 Relaxin while Ry got cooking
 Our humble abode. We still haven't found our great and spacious tent, so my Dad's two man worked out nicely!
 Founder of the feast.
 All the essentials for a proper trip. Mint Oreos are a Taylor must have, so I thought I would pass that tradition along.
 Ryan grilling up some steaks on his new lil grill he got for Father's Day. Worked perfectly by the way.
 Kyle enjoyed the great outdoors.

Before our hike/walk

 Roast your whole smore after assembling with a roasted mallow. Melts the chocolate so it is SO much better.
 Our deer friend that kept visiting.
 Mallow on fire.
 All snug and ready for bed!
 Good morning!

Ryan mastered the dutch oven. Breakfast was delish.

Another tradition. Throw an entire bag of mallows on the fire and watch it burn. It really puts on a show. 

Our biggest regret? Not having done this a million times before now. We had such a wonderful time. Kyle was a trooper and seemed to enjoy himself, and he slept great...sprawled out and took WAY more than his share of that tiny tent. It was such a dream to get away.

So when we were heading back home we started listing all the things we needed to get done that day...then I said, "Or we could go to 7 Peaks?". And so we did! It was way more fun than all that other stuff we had to do. We have been a few times before but I think this trip was the best so far. Kyle went crazy splashing in the water and couldn't seem to get enough! Did I take any pictures? Need you ask?

After returning home from all our fun, it was time to prepare for Ryan's first Father's Day! I love holidays. Any excuse to celebrate is ok with me. So celebrate we did! After church I made the dinner Ryan requested...Tacos al pastor, lime cilantro rice, and a huge fruit salad followed by chocolate cheesecake for dessert. I am not a cook, so this was a challenge. I am elated to say, it all turned out! I believe in miracles. It was a fabulous relaxing day. And yep, I documented the men before church. These boys are such good sports, they have to put up with a lot living with me. I really couldn't ask for a better Dad for Kyle. Ryan is a PRO. 
Ok this endless post is almost over I swear! If you are still reading I am really impressed. I never make it this far into people's novel long posts. Monday was our THREE year anniversary! SO naturally we had to celebrate! After work we dropped Kyle off to play with some cousins and headed to Cheesecake Factory. After going twice on our honeymoon in CA the tradition has just sorta evolved. We always go. It is the only time we go. It is always so fun and so delicious. Last night did not disappoint! Last year I was in Australia for our anniversary, so this year it was nice to be together. It has been a crazy year for us, so many things have changed, but we wouldn't change any of it. I can honestly say I can't remember one single day in three years that Ryan hasn't made me laugh. Really laugh. And that my friends, is all I have ever wanted. Aw. So there! Our jam packed weekend of fun! Now it is back to reality (clients, work, and shots for the lil buddy...so sad).


  1. you guys are having so much fun this summer! it's great. ryan's new tie looks fabulous on him too, i'm glad he liked it! well i'm assuming he liked it since he's wearing it. :) love you guys!

  2. That car in the background of the picture of you and Ryan on your anniversary looks like mine ... maybe it is mine ... maybe I was there watching you ... creepy? I'm glad you guys are fun.
