Sunday, June 26, 2011

Give a hoot!

This summer has recently turned magical. Allow me to explain why at the risk of sounding whiny. You see for the past several summers things have interfered with my summer fun (my own fault I recognize). For the past 3 ish years Ryan has worked at a job that has required him to work most nights until 10:00, Monday through Friday in addition to whatever school load he was carrying. As for me, I either went to school or worked at the salon Tuesday through Saturday. So the problem? Sunday was the only day or night that we were both home (and even that was only when I didn't work on Sunday). SO what am I getting at with this pathetic sob story? Well. This summer is different. Ryan got a new job, and just finished his only summer class, and I create my own school and work schedule essentially meaning that we have at least a few evenings together AND Saturdays! This opens up so many Summer fun opportunities. Weekend camp outs, evening swims, and so much more are now possible and we are trying to take full advantage since we know it will not always be this way. Now don't get me wrong, I am fully aware many people have a far more strenuous schedule than we had, but I just need to say that because of what we were used to, all this time we now have together seems like a dream come true. So we are thinking Summer 2011 might just be our favorite yet!

So an incredibly long intro leading to our latest Summer outing. I am not a Utah hater in the least. I love living here. But I do think there is one major flaw of this wonderful state: no major league baseball team. Yes. We need one. As far as I am concerned the Beez are a snooze...BUT the Orem Owlz? Totally entertaining. SO when ya can't have major, or minor...grab a hot dog and cheer on the Owlz. It is more fun that you think I promise! A group of us headed on over to enjoy the summer evening.
 Loges and E
 K enjoying the eve.
 The men
 Mel and E (Riley had to work, but he will join us next time I am sure)
 Mare and Chris
 My lil fam
 Kyle discovering E's foot brings great relief to his poor mouth which has 4 teeth about to bust through. Emmett is such a good friend already (have you seen the lil man's eyelashes? wow!).
 Kyle looking suspicious
Poor Emmett. My son is a bully. (He also bit a nephew this weekend and left a mark...out of control)

1 comment:

  1. soo happy you guys have a more normal schedule! and those toe pictures are to die for i'm def gonna have to steal them. love!
