Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Humor Me

I feel like I have been going off on tangents a lot lately...so just skip this if you are sick of me. But I feel like I have been learning a lot lately, and I wanted to share a common theme I have been feeling the passed few weeks.

Before I started back to school I felt like my life was full. My to do list was always long, my days were busy, and I had quite enough going on with being a wife, mom, and working a little bit. I didn't feel like I had loads of unoccupied time. Because of this, when I thought of adding a 17 credit school load to my life I was a little overwhelmed. Where would it fit? I knew it would require a lot of time and work, and I honestly did not see a place for it in my life. But I knew it was what I was supposed to do so I went forward.

I just have to say it has been so amazing for me to watch it play out. Not only have I had time for everything, but I feel like I am doing better at getting it all done than I was before. My menu planning, dinner prep, cleaning, laundry, and fun activities with Kyle have all improved and somehow I am still juggling my clients and schoolwork. Now don't get me wrong, my house isn't always clean, sometimes we eat meals that can hardly be called meals, and most of all, I have had A LOT of help. I have had babysitting help while I go to class, and Ryan has been such a champ at making sure I succeed. It has blown my mind, and means so much to me that people in my life are so supportive of me doing something I find important.

I was chatting with my wiser than I sister in law the other day and she said some things I really liked. She has A LOT going on in her life and was also pointing out that it is amazing how you just learn to make the important things fit, and by doing so you really learn what is important. That is when I really started thinking about it all. I am learning so much about time management and how to be the most productive person I can be. Last time I was in school I was a constant stress mess always barely getting by, but now I have my assignments done and am doing better on tests than I ever did before. It is all such a new world to me. Aside from finishing my degree and learning the things in my classes, I have already learned so much about priorities and how to be better for my family. I can't believe it is all a coincidence that Kyle often wakes up from napping as I type the last word of a paper, or that I have been able to understand and finish assignments so much faster than before. The only time I have to take away from Kyle is the actual class time, and the actual work time. I have been able to fit all my homework in while he is sleeping...and when I am away from him he is either with Ryan, or other family/close friends. It is all falling into place, and though I am really tired, I am so grateful for this whole experience. Sometimes I get overwhelmed and discouraged, but I really try to remember to just count my blessings and realize what a miracle this is for my life. I just try to forget I have to keep this up for another year and three months:)

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this post. you are incredible, and as always, continue to be an example to me. love you jules!!
