Saturday, October 8, 2011

Sometimes... is exactly the way you want it. They are moments when you forget everything that stresses you out, or makes you unhappy or unsatisfied with your situation. They are the times that keep me in check. Today we treated ourselves to one of these times.
It was cold and rainy. My favorite. We slept in. Amazing.
 Banana chocolate chip pancakes. YUM.
 Fired up the cocomotion for the first time this season. Yay!
My two favorite people shared the whole thing with me. Perfect.

Life feels far from perfect, but I am grateful for times like this that help me remember when it comes to the things that actually matter, it sorta is perfect.


  1. I love days when you can do nothing and eat really good food. You are so lucky to have the cutest little boy ever!....and I guess Ry Guy too!! :)

  2. :) thanks for this little reminder. and i love that you had such a wonderful morning that day! sounds completely delightful.
