- He crawls so fast! He never bends his elbows though, slightly hilarious.
- He can stand for one second unsupported, but mostly pulls himself up on anything possible.
- He can go from her to there, taking a few steps but never letting go to his support. (he seems realy far from walking still).
- He can scale his baby gate...literally holding on with his hands and feet with nothing touching the ground.
- He climbs everything.
- He will give "kisses" and "nuzzles" if its your lucky day.
- He loves to wave to everyone coming or going.
- He smacks his lips after something delicious.
- He discovered jello...and loved it.
- He loves cheetoe puffs (sooo my child).
- He loves anything marked Gerber Graduate...I guess that company knows what they are doing.
- He talks a lot, but is yet to make any sense.
- He gets hurt a lot but always moves on quickly.
- He loves his songs.
- He bobs to music now and waves his arms.
- He always crosses his ankles while sitting in his high chair.
- He sleeps in now until 8:30 or 9 but still goes to bed at 7...love it.
- He is not a fan of naps...at most he will take one short one a day.
- He thinks peekaboo is hilarious.
- He is ticklish.
- He will knock things down if you say BOOM.
- He likes to jump on his bed.
- He loves other babies...a bit too much.
- He takes toys from other children...working on that.
- He went to his first BYU football game!
- Just today he discovered standing up and trying to jump out of the shopping cart.
- Not a fan of his car seat.
- He loves to be chased.
- He is just a happy little guy
He makes us laugh all the time and you can always count on him for a smile. I am grateful I get to hang out with him so much, I am also dreading when he won't be by my side all the time. But for now, I will soak in all I can having my little bff. Happy 10 months Bubs!
ohh i love him. can't believe you're in the double digits!!