Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Thank Goodness for diapers and dads

Dear Pampers,

Thank you for being so awesome. Since I found you, and made the switch from Huggies, I have wonderfully dry, comfortable, blow out free days, consisting of only one outfit, rather than the four I used to go through with the previous diapers. Everyone in the Lundgreen home sends their thanks.

Love, Kyle

Dear Dad,

Thank you for getting me dressed in such an awesome outfit today. Without your inspiration I would have never thought to pair my church cardigan, with a random onsie, striped socks, and some sweet sweat pants. Totally  a new look for me. I was warm and comfy alllll day.

Love, Kyle


  1. haha classic. cant wait to see what ensembles riley comes up with. i think thats the sweetest thing evvverr.

  2. That's the fashion sense someone with sports genes is known for!
