Thursday, March 10, 2011

3 Months!

I know this is a very cliche statement, but I can't believe how fast time goes! Kyle hit his 3 month mark today. It has definitely been the most action packed, life changing 3 months of our lives. It seems like he was just born yesterday, but also feels like he has been with us forever. I am slightly obsessed and love everything about him. Pardon all the pics, but even with all these I am leaving many out! I am also gonna journal a bit, so just skim if you aren't interested (I wouldn't blame you). Also, I wish I could make the pics bigger but the next size up is too big. I am sure there is a way but I don't feel like figuring it all out right now.
Look at him grow! He is definitely taking up more of that seat than he used to. Blows my mind.
He LOVES his playtime these days. He flails all his limbs like crazy, talks, and reaches and grabs for everything. He also like to eat things, including my face (I sort of love it though). He is BFF's with Octi the Octopus (original name, I know). That's why he is eating him in that first pic. He is also becoming a pro at holding himself up during tummy time. Building the strength of an ox.
Today was b e a u t i f u l! We not only went walking, but it was nice enough to play on the grass for a while! This is a first for Kyle! I think he had a good time, and met ducks for the first time. Always a joy. And such a treat to spend an afternoon outside. My goal is to raise quite an outdoorsy lil man. I think this is a good step. Also, notice the baseball quilt (an amazing shower gift) season is almost upon us! Woohoo!

Kyle has always done really funny things with his hands while he sleeps since he was born. Most of the time they are straight up over his head. He has never been a fan of the infamous swaddle some people swear by. More of a free spirit I guess. I snuck some pics of his naptime today...oh to sleep like a baby again. 
Many of you know since August when we found out "it" was "he" we have referred to him as Lil' Man. Not very original, but it has always fit. When we were in Vegas we saw this onsie and knew we had to get it. I remember holding it in the store trying to picture what the lil guy would look like wearing it. Looks pretty good to me!
HUGE fan of bath time. Who wouldn't be when its in a whale shaped tub and you get out into a sweet shark towel? Seriously. He also loves having his diaper changed. Again, who wouldn't?
And I just threw these in cause he is constantly eating his hands (showing all the signs of teething already btw) and he just happened to be saying rock on and peace today. Made me laugh. Anyways to sum it up, we love him. Grateful to have a 3 month old rather than a 3 week old, things are a bit easier now. He is sleeping through the night consistently and is overall a very chill, happy, well natured baby. Couldn't be more grateful. Happy Thursday to all, and to all a good night!


  1. ohhh how i love him! emmett is going to look teeeeny tiny next to him! i hope octi doesnt mind being replaced as his bff speaking of emmett... :) how fun you got to go play at the park! i wish this weather would stay for GOOD.

  2. What a cute baseball quilt...haha. He is sooo cute! I can't wait until his little friend is here

  3. So adorable! Tell him Hi for us!

  4. I can't believe he is 3 months old. Crazy. So glad someone got to take advantage of the good weather. It was nice to have it when I was out for bus duty. :)
