Friday, October 5, 2012

Zoobilee Zoo

Am I the only one who remembers watching that show? Because whenever I bring it up no one knows what I am talking about. Looking back at it now on youtube I realize it is totally creepy. Anyways. Cousin Jack had his big SECOND birthday a few weeks ago, and we were lucky enough to join him and some other cousins for a day at the zoo to celebrate!

Kyle had a wonderful time really. He loved the animals, and thanks to a braver cousin than I, he even got taken in the reptile house. The polar bear was insane. Diving and splashing and getting nose to nose with Kyle through the glass...that bear made the whole trip totally worth it. The bird show was also impressive. We had a great time!

1 comment:

  1. I remember that show! I had to go to YouTube just now so that I could watch the opening of the show. Talk about a trip down memory lane! Do you ever wonder what the actors playing those silly characters were thinking?!
