Monday, June 11, 2012

Happy Half Birthday

Sunday was Kyle's half birthday! You probably remember how our family feels about half birthdays. We believe in them. We celebrated Kyle's on Friday, because the weekend was already packed. We made him half a cake (red velvet of course...his fave), gave him a lunch full of ketchup, and let him pick out a toy from the store. He picked a yellow soccer ball...and wouldn't let go of it all Friday afternoon. I can't believe how old he is getting. There isn't any baby left in this little guy. Current favorites?

  • He talks so much! The last few weeks his vocabulary has exploded. He is so chatty. I think we are the only ones who know what he is saying most of the time, but I love listening to all his words.
  • He loves to play games. Especially hide and seek...he is a little too good at hiding sometimes. 
  • He loves to sneak up and scare people. He says shhhhh and then rawr! It is hilarious.
  • He really loves sweets. He savors each bite with an mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. 
  • He insists on dipping all his food. Ranch, ketchup, salsa...he just needs to dip.
  • When you ask him a question he often says "ummmm"...before answering you.
  • He is clingy for the first time ever. 
  • He can count to three!
  • He loves. LOVES Jeff's iphone. He can turn it on, unlock it, and get to his favorite apps all by himself.
  • He loves Katie and Jeff. Period.
  • He loves straw cups...and loves them even more when they are full of something fizzy.
  • He dances to everything, and is actually usually on beat with his movements. If the song changes, so do his moves.
  • He chugs his drinks. He starts sucking...breathes through his nose and doesn't stop until the entire cup is gone.
  • He loves to unload and load drawers, laundry baskets...anything.
  • He screams a really high pitched squawk when he gets super mad.
  • He makes Buzz Lightyear fly with sound effects.
  • He shares his lunch with his dinosaur everyday.
  • He knows the actions to itsy bisty, hinges, sunbeam, and a few others.
It is cliche but he is growing up way too fast. It is so crazy to watch him turn into such a little man instead of a baby. He communicates so well, and has strong opinions these days. To say we love him would be an understatement. Happy half birthday buddy!
 Ready for some ball


  1. he looks so much like erik in that first pic! so cute. cake turned out great too. :)

  2. That funny that you came up with another excuse to celebrate. I love the half a cake.

  3. That half a cake is adorable. And very tasty looking.
