Thursday, November 4, 2010

just a lil festive

So I really love holidays. I usually am quite the celebrator. But this year poor Halloween (one of my most favorite) fell to the bottom of the list of things on my mind. Alas, this was the first year in all 22 I have been alive for I did not dress up. I try not to think about it or I feel a deep sorrow for letting myself down. BUT. I did manage to do a little project that made me feel a bit better. I am not crafty, or a good cook, and I don't have a nice camera to make things look super nice. But these were fun and I was pretty happy with the results. So world, please forgive my lack of celebrations this year, and take this as my offering. I will definitely make up for it next year, you have my word.


  1. No worries Julie! Take good care of yourself. After all, you are preggo. Cute cupcakes though! :)

  2. so so cute! You're amazing! Hope you're doing well. I'm excited to see you later this month!!!

  3. cute julie! you could have had a cool costume with your belly though...bummer!

  4. those are the cutest. so impressive.

  5. Love it! Don't worry too much about the day falling to the wayside, all things have their season. Next year you can dress up and dress up your little dumpling!

  6. WOW that was a great offering to the holiday!
