Saturday, January 16, 2010

theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's nothing to see here

Christmas break was very fun and also a long time ago... but oh well!
The festive Christmas Eve bunch... yes we took that ourselves
Rhett arriving Christmas morning (too cute not to document)
Kayden and Tyler at the New Year's Eve murder mystery... very suspicious
Us in our murder mystery outfits
We had lots of fun, lots of family time and waaay too much food. We aren't making any official new year's resolutions but who isn't always aiming for self imporovement. We are looking forward to this year and the potential adventures. Also, if you are reading this, we probably most likely love you.


  1. that wig is soo cute! you look smokin as a long haired blonde. love you

  2. I'd bet money on Ryan being a murderer. Did you see the blood already on his mouth? Practically screaming guilty. ... Maybe he's too obvious though. hmm... such thinks to occupy my thoughts. I need a more middle looking guilty person (Office reference). Longest comment ever? Possibly. You look as always beautiful. Also love the Nemo reference as the title. You made me ink.
