Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Allow me to explain...

Why the new blog? Why socanary? Let me tell ya real fast. New blog because the old one was malfunctioning and so why not? The url takes a second longer to explain. Most people who know me very well know I have an uncle who is a major part of my life. Even when we lived in St. Louis I saw him regularly. I love him very dearly. He is very big on nicknames. Mine is Canary. Lately when I do or say things only I would do or say he describes them as "canary". Thus it is a name and an adjective that describes me better than any other word I have happened upon so far in my life. So I thought it would be good. Probably a longer explanation than you all wanted but there ya have it. Hopefully soon I will have something of interest to post about for all 5 of you readers out there!


  1. I'm very excited for this new blog, Canary. I wonder what Uncle Bryce would nickname me?

  2. Very cool. it rocks. Speaking of rocks - when is the Timp trip and can I go?
