Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I am less than three months away from having a two year old. Make. It. Stop. I seriously can't handle it. He is so big. So grown up. And also really funny. I wish I could find a way to fully capture each stage to look back on. I love them all. Lately?

  • He finds himself hilarious. Cracks his own jokes then laughs and laughs....and says "oh I funny..I funny"
  • He is obsessed with Finding Nemo...or "meemo" as he calls it. He especially likes Bruce...he laughs so hard at that part.
  • He loves his grown up bed, and I love how he come walking out all groggy at the end of his nap time. (I am not usually home in the morning when he wakes up...but I hear it is great too)
  • He like to help cook a lot. He always pulls a chair right over when I make dinner or bake.
  • He loves to play in the sink. 
  • He always says bless you, thank you (doo doo with correct inflection), please, you're welcome, and beep beep instead of excuse me.
  • He always says I love you...which is magical.
  • He sometimes snuggles now. Which is a treat.
  • He loves to jump and climb.
  • He is starting to use phrases and longer sentences.
  • We usually crack his door open after he falls asleep so he can come out in the morning, but I forgot the other day and we heard knocking from inside his room and then he called "daddy? daddy, its me!"
  • He thinks all three of my brother's kids are named Rhett. 
  • He loves his cousins more than other kids, family matters I guess.
  • He likes to dance. Always.
  • He loves animals, dogs are his favorite.
  • He is so shy. Smiles and hides around new people yet totally wants their attention.
  • He loves to read books, the same five every day, a million times a day.
  • He loves playing downstairs by himself and calls up to me to bring him food. So demanding...
  • When he gets mad he throws things, pinches, and collapses on the floor. Its great.
  • He loves chicken, fries, fruit snacks, suckers, cups with straws, grapes, peaches, mcdonalds (oops), water chesnuts, and most of all, cake. 
  • He always gives me a kiss when I ask.
  • He loves to scare people, rawr, and then say I got you..tickle tickle tickle. 
  • He continues to be obessed with iphones...he remembers which people in his life have them and as soon as he sees them starts saying, phone...phone....phone.
  • He loves to chat with people on the phone.
  • He actually enjoyed BYU football, and can join in part of the fight song.
  • He is soooooooooooooo cute. And funny. And wonderful. He completes our family perfectly. I am so grateful for him in our home. He makes all the difference. 
If I don't throw a party, will he never turn two? 


  1. Julie, your list are so great. These will be such a treasure when he is grown.

  2. he looks SO old in these pics. and cute as ever, but i already told you that. :) let's freeze time yes?
